Three monks is a Chinese animated short released in 1980 and directed by A Da. It is a Shangai Animation Film Studio's Production. It has won many awards in film festivals throughout the world. The video contains only background music and no dialogues, thus making it universal by removing the language barrier. Also, the animation has been shot in an excellent way in those olden days so as to attract the younger generation, at whom the video is targeted.
The video starts where a monk resides on a hill alone, There is a small lake at the foot of the hill. The monk has to carry a yoke and two buckets to the lake and get water daily. When he is alone, he has no complaints and he brings water daily by himself and prays to God peacefully. Then, a tall monk comes to that place. The first monk asks the tall monk to get the water and he takes rest. The tall monk agrees and gets water for a couple of days. Thereafter, he asks the first monk to accompany him and both of them reluctantly get water together. They also quarrel among themselves regarding the dividing line between the two buckets. They get antagonistic with each other and pray to God facing opposite directions thinking of one another in hearts. Then, a third fat monk joins them. He drinks away all the water and is hesitant to bring water. The frst two monks forcibly sends him to get water and he agrees. But whatever water he brings, he himself drinks The three quarrel among themselves and face three opposite directions while praying.
Then, one night suddenly the tent catches fire because of a mouse and there is no water left in the tent to quench the fire. Then, all the three monks run to get water and they also help each other in the process. The first monk runs to get water but slips down. Then, the tall monk helps him and gets water and the fat monk quenches the fire. They successfully quench the fire and by the end of the process, they become friends. From the next day, they find an innovative way where the process of getting water is simplified and also the three are equally involved.
The game changer....... |
- The three monks get to know the real value of water only when the fire is caught. Only when one is caught in a difficult situation, the task will be effectively completed.
- A fire is needed to make the monks alert and work collectively, which they were unwilling, when they were free. Some authority is needed to oversee the tasks done by the subordinates.
- They found the innovative method of getting water only after the stress that they endured during the fire.Necessity is the mother of invention.
- Only during the difficult of the times, the three got to know the importance of the other two and the importance of working as a team.
- The fat monk is assigned the job of standing near the pool considering that he cannot move faster when compared to the other two.
- The tall monk took the job of carrying the water from the pulley to the tent as he is quicker in his movements.
- The first monk took the job of pulling up the pulley as he is more capable of doing it when compared to the tall monk and the fat monk.
- Each of the workers should be assigned suitable work based on his abilities and the laziest worker should not become a bottleneck for others.
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